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About : Bio


I continue to look forward to our dialogue on the many issues that face our City, as well as matters that are personal to my constituents. As I continue to become increasingly acclimated to representing you on the City Council, I continue to recognize that this position has two distinct components:
1) making critical legislative and policy decisions on behalf of our City, including co-sponsoring, supporting, and/or voting for legislation that improves the quality of life for all of our City’s residents; 

2) responding, in a timely, efficient, and effective manner, to constituent concerns and challenges, and the growth and/or development issues that impact Ward 3.


Aerial View of Forest
  • Working with the City to designate additional historic landmarks in Ward 3

  • Voted for O-32-15 legislation supporting the construction and operation of a Renewable Energy Park—a solar generating facility

  • Voted for O-22-16 legislation supporting the City of Annapolis Forest Conservation Act


Image by Michael Longmire
  • Initiated a partnership between Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) and the Annapolis Anne Arundel Financial Education Coalition (AAAFEC), which I co-founded


Residential Housing Complex
  • Lead Sponsor/Initiated, Resolution R-39-19: “Payment in Lieu of Property Taxes – Towne Courts, LLC – for the construction of affordable housing units to be located in Ward 3

  • Voted for O-47-15 legislation supporting Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs) to include USNA workers on the grounds


  • Lead Sponsor, Renaming a portion of three Ward 3 Streets: R-36-16, Holeclaw Street to “Norwood Brown Lane”; R-37-16, Holeclaw Street to “Hoppy Adams Way”; and R-38-16, Center Street to “Noah Taylor Way”

  • Assisted with soliciting possible City Transportation Board candidates


Fashion Store Clerk
  • Continue to collaborate with the SoFo Annapolis (South Forest Drive Business Association) and the Annapolis Design District

  • Co-sponsor, R-41-13 legislation for Metered Parking Rate Fee Schedule Revision for the purpose of assisting downtown businesses during the slow winter months


Construction Workers
  • Co-facilitated securing the funding for the traffic signal at West Street and Gibralter Street, which has been on the request list for at least 20 years

  • Participated as a panelist on AACPS’ Safe Schools Town Hall meeting

  • Served as a panelist on the Safe Cities Summit hosted by the City at St. John’s College

About : Issues


Available for Download


Highlights and accomplishments of Alderwoman Rhonda Pindell Charles for Ward 3 and the City of Annapolis.



School Supply
  •  Assisted in organizing the City-wide Summer Pop-Up Camps for youth, including investigating opportunities for special needs students

  • Host of City of Annapolis TV program “Watershed Moments” interviewing very diverse and interesting guests


Doctor's Appointment
  • Picked up from the City 500 COVID-19 masks and delivered them to all Ward 3 churches

  • Continued to work with the Community Health Center at Parole, Inc., in ensuring the replacement of the building’s chair lift by the Health Department


Iron Worker
  •  Lead Sponsor of O-11-18 legislation for City of Annapolis’ Stanton Community Center Lease with the Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation

  • Regularly invited to participate in Leadership Anne Arundel, along with other elected officials--"how to enlist volunteers, public servants, and prioritizing and problem solving."

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